Solar Flight flies with Air Cost Control

  • Post published:07.11.2014
  • Post category:Event
Solar Flight’s projects continue to gather momentum. Air Cost Control has joined our elite group of High-Technology partners.

Air Cost Control is an electrical hardware specialist and the leading supplier of electrical components to the major players in the Aerospace industry including Airbus, ATR, Eurocopter, Dassault Falcon, Daher Socata and others.
Now, supporting Solar Flight with the crucial electrical components, Air Cost Control powers the World’s first two-seat solar aircraft the Sunseeker Duo. These components will be used to upgrade the Sunseeker Duo electrical system for better efficiency and weight reduction.
“We are pleased to partner with the Air Cost Control, Worldwide Interconnect Product Specialist. Air Cost Control’s range of electrical hardware is optimal for Solar Flight’s projects, as the components are low-weight and that is what our solar airplanes need,” said Eric Raymond, Solar Flight founder and CEO.
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